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All event functions starting with on can be passed to components using v-on. For example:

  <VueDraggable v-model="list" @start="onStart" @end="onEnd"></VueDraggable>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
import { VueDraggable } from 'vue-draggable-plus'
import { SortableEvent } from "sortablejs";

const list = ref([
    name: 'Joao',
    id: '1'
    name: 'Jean',
    id: '2'
    name: 'Johanna',
    id: '3'
    name: 'Juan',
    id: '4'

function onStart(event: SortableEvent) {
  console.log('start drag')

function onEnd(event: SortableEvent) {
  console.log('end drag')
  <VueDraggable v-model="list" @start="onStart" @end="onEnd"></VueDraggable>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
import { VueDraggable } from 'vue-draggable-plus'
import { SortableEvent } from "sortablejs";

const list = ref([
    name: 'Joao',
    id: '1'
    name: 'Jean',
    id: '2'
    name: 'Johanna',
    id: '3'
    name: 'Juan',
    id: '4'

function onStart(event: SortableEvent) {
  console.log('start drag')

function onEnd(event: SortableEvent) {
  console.log('end drag')

For information on using Hooks and directives, please refer to the documentation.


Options inherits all configuration items from Sortablejs. For details, please see the Sortablejs official documentation.

type Easing =
  | 'steps(int, start | end)'
  | 'cubic-bezier(n, n, n, n)'
  | 'linear'
  | 'ease'
  | 'ease-in'
  | 'ease-out'
  | 'ease-in-out'
  | 'step-start'
  | 'step-end'
  | 'initial'
  | 'inherit'

type PullResult = ReadonlyArray<string> | boolean | 'clone';
type PutResult = ReadonlyArray<string> | boolean;

interface GroupOptions {
   * Group name.
  name: string;
   * The ability to move from the list. Clone - copy the item instead of moving it.
  pull?: PullResult | ((to: Sortable, from: Sortable, dragEl: HTMLElement, event: SortableEvent) => PullResult) | undefined;
   * Whether elements can be added from other lists, or an array of group names from which elements can be obtained.
  put?: PutResult | ((to: Sortable, from: Sortable, dragEl: HTMLElement, event: SortableEvent) => PutResult) | undefined;
   * After moving to another list, the cloned element is restored to its initial position.
  revertClone?: boolean | undefined;

type Group = string | GroupOptions | undefined;

type ScrollFn = ((
        this: Sortable,
        offsetX: number,
        offsetY: number,
        originalEvent: Event,
        touchEvt: TouchEvent,
        hoverTargetEl: HTMLElement,
    ) => 'continue' | void) | undefined;
type Easing =
  | 'steps(int, start | end)'
  | 'cubic-bezier(n, n, n, n)'
  | 'linear'
  | 'ease'
  | 'ease-in'
  | 'ease-out'
  | 'ease-in-out'
  | 'step-start'
  | 'step-end'
  | 'initial'
  | 'inherit'

type PullResult = ReadonlyArray<string> | boolean | 'clone';
type PutResult = ReadonlyArray<string> | boolean;

interface GroupOptions {
   * Group name.
  name: string;
   * The ability to move from the list. Clone - copy the item instead of moving it.
  pull?: PullResult | ((to: Sortable, from: Sortable, dragEl: HTMLElement, event: SortableEvent) => PullResult) | undefined;
   * Whether elements can be added from other lists, or an array of group names from which elements can be obtained.
  put?: PutResult | ((to: Sortable, from: Sortable, dragEl: HTMLElement, event: SortableEvent) => PutResult) | undefined;
   * After moving to another list, the cloned element is restored to its initial position.
  revertClone?: boolean | undefined;

type Group = string | GroupOptions | undefined;

type ScrollFn = ((
        this: Sortable,
        offsetX: number,
        offsetY: number,
        originalEvent: Event,
        touchEvt: TouchEvent,
        hoverTargetEl: HTMLElement,
    ) => 'continue' | void) | undefined;


animationShow animation while draggingNumber0
chosenClassCSS class name for chosen itemString'sortable-chosen'
delayDelay in milliseconds before drag startsNumber0
delayOnTouchOnlyDelay on touch eventNumber0
directionDragging direction, vertical or horizontal (default auto detect)String-
disabledDisable draggingBooleanfalse
dragClassCSS class name for dragged itemString'sortable-drag'
draggableSelector for draggable items within elementString-
emptyInsertThresholdDistance (in pixels) from empty sortable items where dragging element should be inserted. Set to 0 to disable this feature.Number5
easingAnimation easingEasing-
fallbackClassCSS class name for cloned DOM elements when using forceFallbackStringsortable-fallback
fallbackOnBodyAppend cloned DOM element to body elementBooleanfalse
fallbackTolerancePixels mouse must move before drag start when using forceFallbackNumber0
filterSelector for items that should not be draggableString-
forceFallbackIgnore HTML5 drag and drop behavior and force fallbackBooleanfalse
ghostClassCSS class name for drop placeholderString'sortable-ghost'
groupGroup items to drag between sortable lists. Both lists must have the same group value. Also define whether lists can be dragged out of, cloned, or receive elements from other lists. See TypeScript type definition above for details.Group-
handleSelector for handle to initiate drag. If not set, the target element's children are usedString-
invertSwapAlways use inverted swap zone if set to trueBooleanfalse
invertedSwapThresholdInverted swap zone threshold, defaults to swapThreshold valueNumber-
preventOnFilterCall event.preventDefault() on filter eventBooleantrue
removeCloneOnHideRemove instead of hiding cloned element when not displayedBooleantrue
sortAllow list items to be sorted within containerBooleantrue
swapThresholdSwap zone thresholdNumber1
touchStartThresholdPixels before cancelling delay touch eventNumber1
setDataPass a function where the first argument is of type DataTransfer and the second argument is of type HTMLElementFunction-
scrollEnable scrollingBooleanHTMLElement
scrollFnCustom scroll functionScrollFn-
scrollSensitivityThe distance in pixels the mouse must be to the edge to start scrollingNumber-
scrollSpeedThe scrolling speed in ms/pxnumber-
bubbleScrollEnables automatic scrolling for all parent elements to make it easier to move itemsBooleantrue
onChooseTriggered when an item is selected((event: SortableEvent) => void)-
onUnchooseTriggered when an item is deselected((event: SortableEvent) => void)-
onStartTriggered when an item is picked up for drag and drop((event: SortableEvent) => void)-
onEndTriggered when an item is no longer being dragged((event: SortableEvent) => void)-
onAddTriggered when an item is moved from one list to another((event: SortableEvent) => void)-
onUpdateTriggered when the order of the items is updated((event: SortableEvent) => void)-
onSortTriggered whenever any changes are made to the list((event: SortableEvent) => void)-
onRemoveTriggered when an item is removed from the list and moved to another((event: SortableEvent) => void)-
onFilterTriggered when trying to drag a filtered item((event: SortableEvent) => void)-
onMoveTriggered while an item is being dragged((event: MoveEvent,originalEvent: Event) => void)-
onCloneTriggered when an item is cloned((event: SortableEvent) => void)-
onChangeTriggered when an item is dragged and changes position((event: SortableEvent) => void)-